Sunday, 30 October 2011

How to Cope With Pregnancy Morning Sickness

You should be able to find several indispensable facts about pregnancy morning sickness in the following article. If there's at least one fact you didn't know before, imagine the difference it might make.
Pregnancy morning sickness for some women isn't just morning sickness, but it is morning, noon, and night sickness. You are sick all the time, and all you want to do is crawl back into bed. When you aren't hugging the toilet, you are trying to figure out what you can eat so that you won't end up right back in the bathroom.
There are a number of different types of pregnancy symptoms and whether or not you suffer from any of them is very much dependent on the individual mother-to-be. The majority of women find that their sickness subsides after the first few weeks of pregnancy but others have the nausea for longer.
The first thing you can do to help alleviate pregnancy morning sickness is to keep your blood sugar level stable. Obviously, sleeping will make it difficult to regulate your blood sugar during the night. It is often a good idea is to eat before you get out of bed. Have your significant other bring food to you every morning and take small bites, chewing each bite thoroughly. Give your body time to get the food into your system before you get out of bed and you may be able to avoid some of the nausea you have been feeling.
Pregnancy morning sickness is also triggered by certain foods. Avoid foods that will spike your blood sugar level. Processed sugars and white flour can cause morning sickness during pregnancy. Try whole grain foods and protein, as they are less likely to cause nausea.
Ginger is excellent for helping calm a nauseous stomach. You can buy ginger tea or make your own drink by infusing freshly grated ginger with boiling water and adding some honey and lemon to taste. Many women find that sipping this ginger drink can help soothe the stomach and counter the nausea that is so common to pregnancy. Nibbling on a ginger biscuit can also be very helpful for pregnancy morning sickness.
Your doctor will undoubtedly tell you to drink plenty of water. This is to ensure that dehydration doesn't become a problem. While this is well-intentioned advice, there are many times that water can make morning sickness worse than it was before. Try some alternatives to water.
Try drinking smoothies with a little plain yogurt with fruit mixed in. Also, you can mix your water with a little lemon or lime juice. You can drink tea rather than water if you like, but make sure it is decaffeinated and weak. Fruits such as melons can help with pregnancy morning sickness . However, you should avoid citrus fruits, as they tend to exaggerate nausea.
It's really a good idea to probe a little deeper into the subject of pregnancy morning sickness. What you learn may give you the confidence you need to venture into new areas.
Everyone has different pieces of advice to give women to help alleviate morning sickness. Obviously, trying to eat a dry piece of toast and sip water slowly are the most common suggestions, but regardless of your preference it is still extremely important to stay hydrated.
Another issue that tends to worsen the symptoms of pregnancy morning sickness is odors. This is a huge problem for a number of women. Smells can trigger morning sickness during pregnancy and you will probably find that odors you once found pleasant or that at least didn't bother you will now cause you to feel ill.
There are steps you can take to alleviate morning sickness due to smells. If cooking certain foods makes you feel nauseous due to the smell, then find alternatives to these foods during pregnancy. Odors that you now seem to find offensive can be avoided if you takes steps to alter your habits until the birth of your baby.
Cravings are another pregnancy symptom that many women suffer from during their pregnancy. You have probably heard about the more strange forms of this pregnancy symptom such as craving coal, soap and dirt, but the vast majority of forms of this pregnancy symptom are far less strange.
Basically, your body is telling you that it is lacking in a particular vitamin or mineral by creating a craving for ice cream and pickles or whatever your particular desire may be. The best advice is to give in to this urge. The comfort eating aspect can help your general mood as well as pacify your body.
You can help ease pregnancy morning sickness by focusing on positive things. Remember that although you may feel constantly ill for the first several weeks of your pregnancy, you are growing another person inside you. This is one of the most amazing, wonderful times in your life, and the nausea you may be feeling will not last forever.
In a few months, a beautiful baby will arrive and your life will be more fulfilled than you could ever imagine. Read baby name books, look at pregnancy clothes, and try to rejoice in the fact that you are about to receive one of life's greatest little gifts.
The day will come when you can use something you read about here to have a beneficial impact. Then you'll be glad you took the time to learn more about pregnancy morning sickness.
Ken Austin is the webmaster at My Pregnancy [] , a pregnancy resource site.
For more great pregnancy articles, please visit The Pregnancy Resource Guide [].
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Friday, 28 October 2011

General Sign Of Pregnancy - Pregnancy Health Related Issues And Causes

We cannot lay down a detailed list of sign of pregnancy for every woman, as pregnancy symptoms differ from women to women. In general, we can lay down certain general sign of pregnancy that may or may not be experienced by women. Understanding the sign of pregnancy is very important as these signs may also be related to other occurrences than pregnancy. A missed period can be one of the earliest sign of pregnancy. Moreover, after conception, when the embryo implants itself on the uterine wall, there will be implantation bleeding and you will experience cramping of muscles as well as spotting. They are the initial sign of pregnancy and can be generally misunderstood as a result of altered menstruation, infection or changes in birth control pill and so on.
Symptoms that Prevail Throughout Pregnancy:
As mentioned, a delayed menstruation is the first and foremost sign of pregnancy. You will also miss your next period and this confirms that fact that you are pregnant. Bleeding is very much normal during pregnancy period but it will be generally lighter than normal flow. Normally a missed period is generally attributed to hormonal problems, stress, tension and fatigue and so on. A tender breast is also a sign of pregnancy and may begin after one to weeks of conceiving. Though hormonal imbalances or delayed menstrual cycle may cause this tenderness, but generally it is a persistent problem that occurs specifically during pregnancy.
Since your body is supporting and feeding another life system, you tend to get more exhausted and stressed out during pregnancy. Fatigue or exhaustion is also early sign of pregnancy and can start as early as first week after conception. A pregnancy test will generally confirm your pregnancy because this tiredness or fatigue can also arise out of depression, stress, common cold or flu and so on.
The most common sign of pregnancy will appear between two to eight weeks of pregnancy. Morning sickness, dizziness, backaches, and even vomiting in extreme cases are some of these common symptoms. Some of you may be really fortunate enough not to deal with problems of morning sickness while others who are not so fortunate can feel queasy throughout entire pregnancy. Remember continuous back pains, nauseatic feeling, dizziness cannot be the result of food poisoning, stress or other disorders, as they all are transitory phases. They are sign of pregnancy that will prevail throughout your pregnancy.
Changes in the hormonal balance in your body during pregnancy can cause headache and this is also an early sign of pregnancy. Darkening of areolas, frequent urination and cravings for food are all sign of pregnancy and lasts throughout the entire pregnancy months. Frequent mood swings and irrational behavior are also very common during pregnancy. That is why it is very important for you to maintain a pregnancy journal that can give vent to your pent up feelings. Any pregnancy health related issues and occurrences can also find place in your journal. It makes your journey even more enjoyable.
Apurva Shree is the online editor of free pregnancy information resource She has developed this site to provide valuable information on early pregnancy symptoms and useful methods to enjoy your pregnancy period and the ways in which you welcome your new world of motherhood. is your free resource that not only provides information on early pregnancy symptoms but the other aspects of pregnancy too.
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Wednesday, 26 October 2011

What You Need to Know About Tubal Pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy, commonly known as a tubal pregnancy, is a pregnancy in which the fertilized egg implants itself somewhere other than the uterus. It is referred to as a tubal pregnancy because 95% of ectopic pregnancies occur when the fertilized egg is unable to travel all the way through the fallopian tube to the uterus, and therefore implants itself in the tube.
Of all ectopic pregnancies, 1.5% are abdominal, 0.5% are ovarian, and 0.03% are cervical. None of these places are suited for a growing baby. As the fetus grows, it can eventually burst the organ that contains it, causing severe internal bleeding, and endangering the mother's life. Unfortunately, a tubal
pregnancy will never develop into a live birth.
Although there have been advances in surgical technology that have caused the death rate due to tubal pregnancy to drop since 1970, there is still a death rate of about 1 out of 2000, with about 40-50 women dying each year in the U.S.
What causes tubal pregnancy?
There are many reasons why an egg may become lodged in the fallopian tube. It is most often caused by an infection or inflammation of the tube that partially or entirely blocks the passage. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is the most common of these infections.
Endometriosis, when cells from the lining of the uterus detach and grow elsewhere in the body, can cause blockages. Scar tissue from previous pelvic or fallopian surgery can also lead to tubal pregnancy. Less frequently, abnormal growths or birth defects can alter the shape of the tube and obstruct the egg's progress.
How will I know if I am having a tubal pregnancy?
It can be difficult to recognize symptoms of tubal pregnancy since many of the early signs mirror those of a normal pregnancy, such as missed periods, breast tenderness, nausea, vomiting, or frequent urination.
Some of the symptoms more specific to tubal
pregnancy are:
* Pain in your lower belly
* Slight bleeding from vagina
* One-sided pain in your stomach
* Shoulder pain (which may be caused by internal bleeding irritating your diaphragm when you breathe)
* Bladder or bowel problems
* Feeling light-headed or faint, sometimes accompanied by paleness, increased pulse, diarrhea, and falling blood pressure (caused by blood loss)
* Abnormal bleeding (heavier or lighter than usual and prolonged, or dark and watery, almost like prune juice)
* Lower back pain
If you experience any of these symptoms you should go directly to the emergency room. If you arrive at the hospital complaining about abdominal pains, you will most likely be given a pregnancy test. Urine pregnancy tests are not necessarily the best pregnancy tests, but they are fast. Speed can be crucial in dealing with a tubal pregnancy.
If the pregnancy test comes back positive then your doctor will probably perform a quantitative hCG test to measure the amount of human chorionic gonadotropin in your body. hCG is a hormone produced by the placenta which shows up in the blood and urine as early as 10 days after conception. Its levels double every day for the first 10 weeks of pregnancy. Lower-than-expected hCG levels could indicate a tubal pregnancy.
You will be given a pelvic exam as well, to find the areas causing pain, check for an enlarged, pregnant uterus, or locate any masses in your abdomen. The doctors will probably also perform an ultrasound examination, which would show if the uterus contained a developing fetus or determine whether there are masses growing elsewhere in the abdomen. Unfortunately, the ultrasound may not be able to detect every tubal pregnancy.
There is also a more rarely used test for tubal pregnancy, called culdocentesis, which is used to check for internal bleeding. This test is performed by inserting a needle into the space at the very top of the vagina, behind the uterus and in front of the rectum. If there is blood or fluid found there, it most likely comes from a ruptured tubal pregnancy.
What can be done about my tubal pregnancy?
Treatment for a tubal pregnancy will depend on its size and location, and on whether or not you would like the ability to conceive again.
If caught early enough, a tubal pregnancy may be able to be treated with an injection of methotrexate, which would dissolve the fertilized egg and allow it to be reabsorbed into the body. This non-surgical approach results in minimal scarring of the pelvic organs.
A tubal pregnancy that is further along will likely require surgery to be removed. In the past, this operation would have required a very large incision across the lower abdomen, which may still be necessary in cases of emergency or severe internal injury.
However, modern technology has bestowed upon us an alternative method of removal. In many cases, the vtubal pregnancy can be removed using laparoscopy, a much less invasive surgical procedure. The surgeon makes a small incision in the lower abdomen and inserts a laparoscope, a long, hollow tube with a lighted end. This allows the surgeon to see internal organs and insert other instruments as need. The tubal pregnancy is then removed, and the damaged organs are repaired or removed.
Regardless of which procedure is used, the doctor will want to continue seeing you regularly, to monitor your hCG levels, which should return to zero. This may take up to twelve weeks, but if the hCG levels do not decline, it could mean that some of the ectopic tissue was missed and may need to be removed using methotrexate or additional surgery.
How will this affect my future pregnancies?
About a third of women with a previous tubal pregnancy will have trouble conceiving again. This depends mainly on the total amount of damage and surgery that was done.
If the fallopian tubes remain intact, chances for a successful pregnancy in the future are about 60%. Even with only one fallopian tube, chances can be greater than 40%.
The risk of a repeat tubal pregnancy is increased with each subsequent tubal pregnancy. After your first one, you face about a 15% chance of having another.
Am I at risk of having a tubal pregnancy?
Those most at risk of having a tubal pregnancy are women between the ages of 35 and 45 who have had a PID, a previous tubal pregnancy, surgery on a fallopian tube, or infertility problems or medication to stimulate ovulation.
Some birth control methods may also increase your chances for a tubal pregnancy. If you become pregnant while using progesterone intrauterine devices (IUDs), progesterone-only oral contraceptives, or the morning after pill, you may be more likely to have a tubal pregnancy.
If you think that you may be at risk of tubal pregnancy, talk to your doctor about it before attempting to conceive. Although there is nothing that can be done to prevent tubal pregnancy, if monitored closely it can be detected early.
If you are pregnant and experience any of the symptoms of tubal pregnancy, contact your doctor immediately. Tubal pregnancy is just one of those things that you want to have checked out, even if you only have so much as a hunch. It can't hurt to be sure, and it may save your life.
Susan Tanner is a wife and mother of three. She is also the editor of Pregnancy-Guide is an online community for mothers to find support and valuable information. Please visit Pregnancy-Guide for valuable pregnancy information.
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Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Health Guide For The Pregnant Woman

Health Guide For The Pregnant Woman
Being a pregnant woman brings with it euphoria and anxiety. Mood swings, morning sickness and fatigue are as much a part of pregnancy as moments of joy and anticipation. There will be days you will just not feel like getting out of bed. On other days, when you hear the tiny life move inside you, you will feel elation. The pregnant woman needs special care during these nine months. In order to make the right decisions regarding her doctor, method of childbirth, and other details, she needs to know all about pregnancy.
Your body will be going through many changes during the three trimesters. Here are some of the things every pregnant woman should know.
Morning Sickness
Morning sickness does not occur only in the morning. Many cases of morning sickness occur in the afternoon or evening as well. Morning sickness makes it difficult for women to keep down their meals. Many women find it difficult to eat normal meals. The solution for this is to have smaller, more frequent meals. Have crackers before getting out of bed in the morning so that you do not feel queasy or dizzy. Mostly, a pregnant woman does not know that morning sickness is an indicator of the pregnancy hormones working properly. However, see your doctor if the morning sickness is too severe.
Spotting or bleeding is one of the first signs of pregnancy. Bleeding is caused by implantation of the embryo in the uterine wall. Bleeding is accompanied by cramps in many cases. A pregnant woman may experience bleeding well into the pregnancy. In many cases, doctors may examine you and declare you fit. However, visit your doctor immediately if the bleeding is heavy or accompanied by severe cramps.
Tender Breasts
Swollen and tender breasts are common for a pregnant woman. Many women complain of discomfort and pain. A good bra can solve this problem largely. Keep changing bra sizes until you find the one that suits you. The bra size can also increase during this time.
Mood Swings
Many women find their mood oscillating between happiness and gloom. Mild mood swings are common during pregnancy. This is another sign of the hormones at work. However, see a doctor if you feel persistently depressed.
One of the stranger instincts in pregnant women is nesting. When in the third trimester, the woman may feel the need to wash down the yard, sweep the house, mop, and clear out closets. Indulge yourself, but be sure not to overdo it.
A lot many women complain of excess salivation during pregnancy. Again, the reason for this is hormonal changes in the body. Do not worry too much; this symptom will not last too long.
This health guide for the pregnant woman covers various pregnancy symptoms. You should read all you can about the three trimesters, and ask your doctor for more information.
The pregnancy woman needs special care during the whole pregnancy period. Mood swings, morning sickness and fatigue are as much a part of pregnancy as moments of joy and anticipation.
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Sunday, 23 October 2011

Pregnancy Week by Week

During pregnancy, the woman’s body will change. Every week, something new will happen and you will get closer to get to know your baby. Pregnancy is a very special situation, so be sure that you enjoy it.
Pregnancy is something that will change the woman’s body week by week. Different things are happening with the woman’s body and also with the developing fetus in the womb. Here is a rough list that will help you understand what the body and the baby go through week by week.
Week Development
The fetus is created when the sperm hits the egg. The fertilized egg will divide itself into an embryo and a placenta. The placenta will provide the food for the fetus. The baby itself is not created until close to the end of pregnancy week 1.
2 The fertilized egg makes its way to the womb and attaches itself to the womb.
3 Although this is the third pregnancy week, it is counted as the first week of the fetus.
4-5 This is a safe time to take a pregnancy test.
6-7 This is when you might experience mood changes. The fetus is now between 4-8 mm.
8 Morning sickness it not uncommon. The fetus is roughly 9-14 mm and trapped in amniotic fluid.
9 The fetus is between 15-22 mm long and weighs 0,5 gr.
10 The woman will feel additional tiredness and even pains in her breast. The fetus is now 45 mm long. It will now decide what sex it will be.
12 The fetus is now as big as the mothers little finger.
18 The woman will slowly grow wider in the stomach area. The fetus is about 17 cm.
26 You will now be able to hear your baby’s heartbeat. The rate is about 170 beats per minute. You will also be more aware of your baby’s personality.
35 The baby is now lying in the right birthing position. It is about 47 cm and weighs about 2,6 kg.
40 The estimated date of birth. The woman will feel more pain and have severe troubles sleeping.
41-42 It is not uncommon that the estimated date of birth is not figured out correctly. You are in good hospital care and when to many days overdue, you will be helped giving birth.

Pregnancy Symptoms and Tests

Some women know the instant that they are pregnant; some women need a growing belly. And in some couples, it is the spouse who knows first, just because of the mood swings. When you think you are pregnant, there are some simple symptoms that you can check and also reliable tests to take. Be sure to take a test, because if you are pregnant, you will need professional help along the way.
Pregnancy symptoms
The first sign that you may be pregnant is a lost or delayed menstruation. You might even feel sick and noxious. Soon afterwards, the breasts will become swollen and sore. And as a result of all this and the growing baby inside you, you will also be more tired than usual.
Other symptoms include sensitivity to odors. You become more sensitive to certain smells, such as for example perfumes.
Some women feel that they need to go to the toilet more often than usual. This is due to the high amount of body fluids that will be produced in your body approximately six weeks after an insemination. So do not worry, this is only normal. Also, you can get small bleedings in the genital area one to two weeks after the insemination. If worried, seek professional health care.
Pregnancy Test
A pregnancy test can be bought in a pharmacy or in supermarkets. You can take a pregnancy test to see if you are pregnant, either through urine or blood tests. Urine tests are the most common way. You can do it at home or in a hospital.
Pregnancy tests that are taken with a urine tests may give misleading results, and sometimes you have to take a couple of tests before accepting the result. If you are planning on becoming pregnant, try to invest in a urine test that can be reused – this is an economical and environmentally friendly way!
Negative results in the urine pregnancy test can be due to the fact that you just had your period a little bit later than usual and the test does not pick up on the right things.
The safest way to take a pregnancy test is through blood tests but it is done only in hospitals and usually only if you have some medical reasons to quickly find out if you're pregnant or not. Consult a professional on this; they will be able to help you with any pregnancy test.
If you experience any other symptoms than stated here or you are worried, please do not hesitate to seek medical advice. A health care professional is specially trained in spotting symptoms and caring out test and will certainly help you in this first phase of you pregnancy.

How to Get Pregnant

Having children is a dream for many couples. For some, it is very easy to become pregnant. For others, it takes over a year. And for still some others, they never get pregnant. Getting pregnant is not easy, but often a dream that can come true. 
For many, getting pregnant is a natural step forward as a human being. With your spouse, or without, you can now take care of a little newborn creature. There are certain things to keep in mind when you want to get pregnant. Many of these tips are useful for the mother-to-be and for her spouse, as the mother-to-be might need support and help.
Your diet is one thing you can change pretty easily. Stay away from fast food and candy. Skip eating out a take away-places and the aisles with chips and sweets at the grocery store. Try to think more natural and healthy ingredients in your food. Start cooking your own meals and substitute that candy bar with a banana and an apple.
Smoking is another thing that has to stop directly. It affects the sperm to travel slower, and the womb to be less receptive. Also, when you are getting pregnant, you need to stop smoking anyway as it does considerable damage to the fetus.
Drinking alcohol is no good either. A glass or two might boost the sexual desire, but in fact this effect is wearing off after a while. When trying to get pregnant, you need all the desire you can get – so skip the drinks. This is, just as quitting smoking, a good exercise for when you are pregnant, as the alcohol is dangerous for your baby as well.
Exercise, also outside the bed, is a good way to keep the spirit going. People who are more active in life have more stamina and a better mood. Not only will your sex life become better, but you can also try out other positions, which seemed physically impossible before.
If you are on the pill, then stop using it. The body needs to readjust to its natural state and this might take everything from a couple of month to over a year. Be patient – you can only wait on this one.
Of course, the last tip is to really be sure that you want to get pregnant. Many couples feel stressed by the fact that others want them to have babies. It is totally irrelevant what other people want. If you have your own desire for children, than making them and getting pregnant is so much easier than if you try to fulfill someone else’s wish.

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Contracting Scabies During Pregnancy

Scabies is an infectious skin condition which is caused by the parasitic mites beneath the surface of the skin. They could be spread from one human host to another, while coming into contact with the infested human being. These mites are microscopic in nature and hence the symptoms appear about one or two weeks after the infestation.
Scabies can cause a lot of discomfort during pregnancy. Studies have shown that insecticides used to cure scabies can adversely affect the embryo and hence can have a negative impact on the infant. Usually 6-8% of the scabies repellent is absorbed at the time when it is externally applied to the skin.
Permethrin is another effective medicine used for the treatment of scabies. It is also an insecticide and is sold as a 5% lotion. It does not pose any side effects and therefore is safe to use during pregnancy. In most cases, the first trimester of pregnancy is crucial and therefore care must be taken. Lactating women must not apply the scabicides on the breasts and must keep the child away, so that the condition is not infested in the child.
Try and use the natural medications for scabies, since these are free from chemicals or all kinds of side effects. You may also consider the application of tea tree oil which would help in reducing the symptoms of scabies and create a soothing effect. Tea tree oil possesses curative properties which can also help aid and eliminate the underlying parasites. Tea tree oil is not a complete scabies killer but it can be used in conjunction with a scabies treatment to help make the healing process faster.
There are numerous different ways to kill scabies naturally instead of using dangerous chemicals such as permethrin. If your looking to kill your scabies with 3 items from your grocery store within 24 hours you should Visit
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Friday, 21 October 2011

How Harmful is Yoga During Pregnancy?

Imagine the next time you join a discussion about yoga during pregnancy. When you start sharing the fascinating facts about yoga during pregnancy that we are going to share with you, your friends will be absolutely amazed.
Yoga can be an excellent way to reduce stress and prepare your body for labor and delivery while you are pregnant. Many experts insist that practicing yoga during pregnancy should be a requirement for all women. There are numerous benefits to practicing yoga while you are pregnant. If you are in good physical health and listen to your body, yoga will be a wonderful way to help produce a healthy baby and a healthy mom as well.
Labor can be very demanding, both physically and mentally. By practicing the breathing techniques that are unique to yoga, you will have a much easier time relaxing during the birth of your child. When you first go into labor, your body produces adrenaline due to the excitement and anxiety that usually accompanies the experience.
Adrenaline has been known to stop the production of Oxytocin, which is the hormone that causes labor to begin. By practicing yoga breathing techniques during pregnancy, you will be able to calm yourself down, block the over production of adrenaline, and let your labor commence more rapidly.
Practicing yoga during pregnancy will also teach you how to meditate. Practicing meditation takes some work, but once you get the hang of it, you can slow down your breathing and relax your heartbeat. This is beneficial to both yourself and your baby during labor and delivery.
There are a few positions you need to avoid while practicing yoga during your pregnancy. Back-bending poses can put unnecessary strain on your back. And aggravate the back pain that normally occurs at some point during any pregnancy. Also, when doing a forward bend, you will be forced to spread your legs farther apart as your pregnancy advances due to the increasing size of your stomach.
I trust that what you've read so far has been informative. The following section should go a long way toward clearing up any uncertainty about yoga during pregnancy that may remain.
As a general rule, when practicing yoga during pregnancy do not lie on your back for long periods of time after the 4th month. This slows down the blood flow to your legs and your heart, which can lead to dizziness, nausea, and hyperventilation. While there are some women that can lie on their backs and have no problems at all, listen to your body. It will tell you what you can and can't do while practicing yoga during pregnancy.
If you will be practicing yoga during pregnancy, there are some yoga poses you should avoid completely, especially if you have never taken yoga before. For example, inversions should not be attempted for the first time while you are pregnant. If you have been practicing yoga prior to becoming pregnant and your body is used to the position, you can perform inversions as long as your body will allow it.
During the third trimester, you may feel somewhat off-balance. The larger your stomach becomes, practicing yoga will become more challenging. To avoid injuring yourself and/or your baby, try poses that have you balance on one foot against a wall. These types of poses will give you more balance and help you avoid a fall.
As long as your doctor has not prescribed bed rest and you have no other health conditions that prevent it, yoga during pregnancy can be a great resource to help you stay healthy and fit throughout your pregnancy and the birth of your child.
Ideally, you will leave this article with an enriched perspective on the topic of yoga during pregnancy. The facts and analysis presented here were written with a single goal: to help the you the reader to learn more about this fascinating topic of yoga during pragnancy.
Ken Austin is the webmaster at My Pregnancy [] , a pregnancy resource site. For more great pregnancy articles, please visit The Pregnancy Resource Guide [].
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Pregnancy Nausea When It Should Have Already Stopped

There are a lot of women who have to deal with pregnancy nausea when they are navigating their first trimester of pregnancy but, since it often stops at some point, relatively fewer people understand how you face a severe problem with pregnancy nausea when it continues into later trimesters.
Sometimes the situation can even be lethal. For one, excessive vomiting generates dehydration. And a host of other problems can follow. As a basic precaution, it's good for people to know what to look out for. After all, if you have pregnancy nausea, when to call the doctor is often the big decision tree.
You will generally see morning sickness end on its own during the first three months of pregnancy, so you'll usually have completed your pregnancy nausea when you start your 13th or 14th week. If it extends beyond this point, this is a good time to at least let your doctor know. A lot of people will wait until they have their next appointment. But, if things go sideways, it's safer to let them know sooner, all the moreso if you've tried some home remedies that don't seem to be helping. Also, if you have a hard time eating or drinking, they you definitely want to call the physician if you get pregnancy nausea when you're unable to keep your food down for longer than 24 hours.
With nausea, dehydration usually follows, and this is one instance where morning sickness can be very serious. You've gotten rid of a lot of liquids that your body will not replace. And, usually it's not that you aren't drinking enough. Rather, in most cases, the mother-to-be is actually drinking more than enough. But, the vomiting keeps her from retaining it as needed. Dehydration is often marked by feelings of dizziness or perhaps as though you may faint. What can happen is the dehydration can lead to low blood pressure, which in turn helps you feel lightheaded.
You'll also know you have bad pregnancy nausea when there is an issue with urinating less, since it signifies dehydration is upon you. Likewise, you may notice that your urine is darker than it normally is. If you notice either of these, it's simply a good time to call the doctor.
There are yet other signs that indicate not just that you may be becoming dehydrated, but rather that you likely already are. These signs are when the moist areas of your body start to dry up, such as your mouth, eyes, and skin. You might also start to lose your mental focus, and you can feel fatigues and suffer from headaches as well. If you are dealing with dehydration in real time, rather than trying to avoid it, it becomes critical since the actual state of dehydration can lead to premature labor.
Dehydration is bad, but it may not be the worst of it. If there is pregnancy nausea when a woman is unable to add weight, keep down fluids, or get proper nutrition, this can lead to hyperemesis gravidarum. It may have been easier just to call it what it actually means, which is "over vomiting during pregnancy." This doesn't happen that often, so only about one-third of 1% of women will have to deal with it. In those rare cases, the vomiting is very frequent, doesn't seem to stop, and become threatening. The woman's inability to keep nourishment down can threaten the welfare of the baby. It's quite dangerous. Thus, if you have pregnancy nausea when your vomiting has become as frequent as a couple or three times a day, it's real important to let your doctor know.
Want more useful information on what to do about pregnancy nausea when it exceeds the first trimester? Carmen McClintock is a women's health enthusiast and morning sickness cure aficionado. Visit her morning sickness solution website at today and get your $440 Unadvertised Bonus and mini-course free!
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Introduce Yourself With The Significant Features Of Late Pregnancy

In comparison of last few years the delivery time of a woman has been increased with the high rate. Nowadays, mostly women are conceiving child in their stomach at 30 to 40 year age, which is very common. There are two logical reasons behind this late pregnancy. Primary reason of this pregnancy is to become successful and self dependent in their lives. In this competition world, women do not want to spoil their time before gaining successful career. They don't want to bind their self in any chain by having promise of marriage. As a result of all above declared aspects, women decide to do marriage late and hence late pregnancy. Other reason of late pregnancy can be understood easily in science language.
True Aspects of delayed pregnancy
In spite of above defined reasons, there are several causes which lead to late pregnancy in women.
1.Before having a child in their stomach, they want to understand and feel their life partner very well. On this basis, married women ignore pregnancy in short time period.
2.Before having responsibility of baby, they wish to spent their live with enjoy and full freedom.
3.Sometimes a woman cannot be pregnant due to lack of some required internal genetic feature of partner.
4.Defects in genes can also be a cause of delayed pregnancy.
Cons of delayed pregnancy
Here there are some issues, generated during delayed pregnancy.
1.Chances of give birth a baby in normal operation decreases.
2.Too much pain at delivery time.
3.Difficulties arise at time of conceiving a baby.
4.Danger factor for mother increases.
Solutions provided by great science
The fertilization capacity of women after 30 years decreases, because of those women cannot conceive baby easily. To overcome from this trouble medical science has provide you miraculous techniques. By the improved medical science, fertilization can be developed in medical laboratory. Science has provided full assistance to reduce the genetic problem. By testing of blood and ultrasound technique, the problems in conceiving can be determined easily.
When women become mother after a successful career, they are capable to give all facilities to their babies. They can pay their responsibilities with astonishing experience.
Even science has made late delivery reliable and easy without any side effects or pain. So, after knowing the all issues of late pregnancy don't be afraid, take suggestion of your doctor regularly and give born a cute and healthy baby.
Late pregnancy can be boon for your happy married life. Enjoy your life with full independence by having late pregnancy. Different hidden pros and cons of late pregnancy can be known easily.
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